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A simple Knowledge management System to

capture and organize your Notes and Documents



If you need a system to manage notes you are at the right place:

If you enjoy journaling but struggle with organizing your notes effectively for future reference, or if you're engaged in planning a major project like writing a book or building a business, you'll need a reliable note-taking system that enables you to execute your ideas. Fortunately, there are many free videos available to help you create an effective knowledge management system. However, if you're looking for a top-notch resource, I highly recommend my free master class which covers all the necessary details for creating an efficient Knowledge management System.

This system

If you're someone with ambitious goals and have ever thought, "I know exactly what I want to create or build, but there's just so much information to learn," then this system is perfect for you. It provides you with the necessary tools and resources to organize your notes in a way that makes it easy to find and follow your standard operating procedures (SOPs) and processes effectively.

Connect the dots system

The Happycatalogue System is ideal for taking notes, task management, managing a knowledge base of various resources, and finding simple strategies and tactics to make the process of implementation easier for yourself and others. This system is especially helpful for professionals who need to manage lots of different processes, procedures, and applications.

This system will help you to...


If you have a grand vision but feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to learn
to bring it to life; We have a system that can assist you.
We are confident that it can provide the help you need.

You will learn …

…how to stay consistent.

…how to optimize your workflow regularly.

…how to make progress.

…how to use a concept called “Compressing Time”.

…how to work on things that you are passionate about and give you purpose.

Still to come ...

…become part of a community where we support each other and get the job done!

Check out my master class and look for the extra resources in the description.

If you like the video and would like to learn more,
make sure to “subscribe to my YouTube Channel” and my “email newsletter

It’s free, you have nothing to lose.

I KNOW the information that you learn here will assist you to

"Making progress towards a VISION"

(Free Bee inside)


We believe that...

Knowledge = power

  • Healthy mindset: Create resourcefulness (Positivity)
  • Discipline: Create freedom (Consistency & Being)
  • Systems: Create leverage (Optimization & Improvement)
  • Healthy Habits: Create longevity
  • Work Ethic: Create Wealth (Compressing Time & Productivity)
  • Healthy Relationships: Create a Fulfilling Life
  • Healthy Values: Will change your world (Influence & Purpose)

A System That Helps You Capture Your Digital Information.


If you struggled with Focus, making choices, and execution, and you are heavily invested in consuming lots of personal development videos, books, and courses, but you realized that your perception and what you believe have a bigger influence on your ability to implement, then you just might be at the right place at the right time.

When you can simplify (Occam's razor), optimize and remove what does not work, and learn to “Focus” correctly, you can create and produce so much more.

But, what happens if you planned and processed lots of information, and can't seem to find it again? The most effective thoughts are the ones captured at the moment while the energy of that thought lingers on the words that you write.

Then you need this system...


Today you can no longer use the excuse of not knowing how to do something. Information is so freely available that you can Google anything and the results will tell you exactly how to do it. Not to even mention Chat-GTP. But the problem is information overload. If you have a System, you can capture what is relevant and ignore the rest.

Apply to become a member of our community.

What will work for you...

on what should you focus on?

In most communities, people help each other by sharing their knowledge and finding solutions to problems. This is great! However, my goal for this community is to create a unified approach where we can all support and collaborate with each other towards a shared objective. This way, we can enhance our skills and abilities together.

Converting info into something useful

All the information you need is online. But, the problem is information overload. How do you collect this information in a way that can be useful in the future when you need it again or when someone else has that same problem and you want to share that solution with them? Like a video or a course. Would you need to search for it on the internet again or do you have an knowledge management system?


You will learn an easy way to capture the process. This is a BONUS, you do not have to do it, but if you want to create short explanation videos for your future self or others, then this system will teach you how to do that.

Find what you are looking for...

A course goes from start to end as it should, because you need to pick up the context of what it is that you are learning about and usually you kind of need an emotional story that motivates you to eventually want to implement what it is that you are learning (Sometimes you need to be reminded why you are doing it?). But, what if you want to do something specific that you know you learned in the course, but you can’t remember how to do it and you need to find those instructions again? This is why you need a system that functions like a Catalogue, especially if you tried to search for it, but you still get hundreds of results that do not answer your questions or better yet you get no results or in summary non of the results are relevant or what you were looking for..

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